
Fraser Hacks

Web Developer


  • Collaborated with a team of developers to create the official Hackathon website
  • Enabled hundreds of participants to register for the FraserHacks Hackathon
  • Utilized Next.js to implement dynamic animations
Canadian High Schools

Director of IT

Canadian High Schools

  • Co-founded the organization where high school students can post information to wiki and earn volunteer hours
  • Managed cross-functional teams to align technology with strategic goals
  • Led a team of developers to implement innovative software solutions
  • Ensured security compliance and data protection measures were upheld

Coding Tutor


  • Provide personalized assistance to college and coding bootcamp students with their assignments.
  • Ensure students understand the coding mechanism
  • Taught Python, Javascript, React, Java, HTML and CSS
Grade Genius

Full Stack Developer

Grade Genius

  • Developed a contemporary, sleek course management web application
  • Utilized Python Flask, SQLalchemy, Javascript and Django
  • Automates the calculation of grades for high school students around canada, enhancing educational efficiency
Brookedge Academy

Lead Web Developer - Learn Chemistry

Brookedge Academy

  • Led the Development of the Learn Chemistry App
  • Allowed over 100 students to prepare for assessments with integrated quizzes and lesson pages
  • Used to lead Brookedge Academy workshops such as the Young Chemists workshop
  • Posted on Brookedge Academy main website